TC 207 – Survey request on Verification of Environmental Sustainability Reports

652px-Logo-ISO[1]In 2011 the ISO/TC 207/SC 2 – Environmental auditing sub-committee established an ad hoc group to gather information on current developments on auditing/verification of publicly available environmental and sustainability reports. Status reports were given at the 2012 and 2013 meetings. In 2013 the ad hoc group decided to conduct a survey to gather further information on the market needs for a standard on the topic of verification of environmental sustainability reports for discussion at its upcoming meeting in Panama on May 27, 2014.

TC 207 is seeking your assistance in obtaining broad participation in this survey. The survey can be accessed via the following link: The survey will be open until May 2, 2014. We understand that this is a short timeframe for capturing this information but the deadline was established by ISO to make sure responses were available in time for consideration at the Panama meeting.

To obtain a statistically diverse and representative sample we are requesting that you consider passing this survey to other experts and stakeholders that you are familiar with personally.  We are hoping to get responses from a variety of organizations, based upon their environmental risk, number of employees, size and type (small, medium, and large as well light, medium, and heavy manufacturing), as well as those in the public and/or private sector.

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About Kevin Lehner

Kevin has been president of ECSI for over 25 years. His practice focuses on environmental and health and safety management systems training, consulting and auditing. He is an active member of the US Technical Advisory Committees to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. He represents that USA at international meetings of these committees. He is also the lead developer of the CorrectTrack corrective action tracking app.